{"result":{"text":"table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell v equals k square root of s rightwards double arrow fraction numerator d s over denominator d t end fraction equals k square root of s end cell row cell rightwards double arrow integral from 0 to s of s to the power of negative 1 divided by 2 end exponent d s equals k integral from 0 to t of d t rightwards double arrow 2 square root of s equals k t end cell row cell A p p l y i n g space w o r k space minus space e n e r g y space t h e o r e m comma end cell row cell W equals capital delta K equals K subscript f minus k subscript i equals 1 half m v subscript f superscript 2 minus 1 half m v subscript i superscript 2 equals 1 half m k squared s minus 0 end cell row cell equals 1 half m k squared open parentheses fraction numerator k squared t squared over denominator 4 end fraction close parentheses equals fraction numerator m k to the power of 4 t to the power of 4 over denominator 8 end fraction end cell end table"},"status":"ok"}