{"result":{"text":"table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell t subscript 4 equals to the power of 6 C subscript 3 open square brackets x to the power of 1 divided by 2 left parenthesis log subscript 2 x plus 1 right parenthesis end exponent close square brackets cubed open parentheses 1 over x to the power of 1 divided by 12 end exponent close parentheses cubed equals 40 end cell row cell rightwards double arrow open parentheses fraction numerator 3 over denominator 2 t plus 2 end fraction plus 1 fourth close parentheses t equals 1 comma space space w h e r e space space space t equals log subscript 2 x end cell row cell rightwards double arrow fraction numerator left parenthesis 6 plus t plus 1 right parenthesis t over denominator 4 left parenthesis t plus 1 right parenthesis end fraction equals 1 rightwards double arrow 7 t plus t squared equals 4 t plus 4 end cell row cell rightwards double arrow t squared plus 3 t minus 4 equals 0 rightwards double arrow t equals negative 4 comma space 1 end cell row cell therefore x equals 1 divided by 16 comma space 2 end cell end table"},"status":"ok"}