{"result":{"text":"V e l o c i t y space a t space C comma\nv squared space equals space 0 squared space space plus space 2 space left parenthesis – space g right parenthesis left parenthesis – left parenthesis H space – space h right parenthesis right parenthesis\nrightwards double arrow v space equals space square root of 2 g left parenthesis H minus h right parenthesis end root\nT i m e space t o space f a l l space f r o m space C space t o space g r o u n d comma space space t equals square root of fraction numerator 2 h over denominator g end fraction end root\nR a n g e comma space R space equals space v t space equals square root of 2 g left parenthesis H minus h right parenthesis end root square root of fraction numerator 2 h over denominator g end fraction end root equals 2 square root of h left parenthesis H minus h right parenthesis end root\ntable attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell F o r space m a x i m u m space R comma space fraction numerator d R over denominator d h end fraction equals 0 end cell row cell therefore H minus 2 h equals o r space h equals H over 2 end cell end table"},"status":"ok"}