Astrology Course Duration : 6 month
K.P.Astrology ( Vidya Krishnamurti Bharati)
- What is Astrology & Various branches of Astrology
- The Zodiac.
- Horoscope : (I) Natal (II) Horary
- Sing & their characteristics
- Planets & their indications
- House & house division Meith of K.P
- House Signifies
- Planets in various bhavan in KP theory
- Various terms used in Astrology & their meaning.
- Fundamental Principle of KP
- Ruling Planets
- Significators
- Cuspal,Sub Lord & their Significance.
Sub -Division Aspects in KP Theory. Transit & their Imporance Fortuna Ayanansa,Sayana & Nirayana systems. Important case studies. How to judge a Natal & Horary charts.
Dr.(Prof) Abhighyan Acharya has been practising for last 29 years in the field of Astrology,Vastu,Tantra, Meditation,Spiritual guru for many famous celebrity and business man.