JeevanDoot Charitable Foundation
JeevanDoot Charitable Foundation is a Section 8 Company/Non-Profit Organisation registered under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. The company was established in January, 2024 and it hasit’s headquarter in Naihati, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal- 743166, India. The Company was incorporated as per the Companies Act, 2013 and its corporate Identity No. is U85500WB2024NPL267929.
Eradication of Poverty and Upliftment of the Society
Mission Statement
To promote art and culture, education, generate employment, improve healthcare facilities, develop skill, and other facilities among the underprivileged.
Vision Statement
Skill development among the underprivileged can make a huge change and help them to build a better future with a better living.
Objectives as per MOA
- To work towards reducing hunger, illiteracy, and other social problems for the betterment of the weaker section of the society.
- To work towards development, establishment and facilitation of better medical relief for the society and especially the economically weaker section of the society.
- To work and promote education and healthcare system among the socially weaker section of the society.
- To arrange and organize health care events and campaigns for improvement of health care among economically weaker people of the society.
- To advocate and women and children’s right
- To work for and build hospitals for better healthcare facilities for the society.
- The organization will also develop research projects on relevant areas including but not limited to urban studies, social media, digital cultures etc.
Based on these projects, the organization may seek donation from organizations, universities, or donors working in the allies fields for the project towards the upliftment of the society at large.
- To work towards spreading mental health and abuse in the community through public awareness program, and to cooperate and collaborate with patient support groups and other such non-profit organization or NPO working towards similar objectives.
- To encourage and perform social welfare activities.
- To promote entrepreneurship among poor and disadvantageous community.
- To enter into contract for carrying out objects of the company.
- To enter into agreements with any government authorities municipal, local, or any person or trusts or company in India or abroad that may seem conductive to the objects of the company or any of them and to apply for, for such Government, authorities, persons or company any right privileges, powers, authority, charters, contracts, patents, trademarks, licenses, concessions, grants, decrees, rights which the Company may think desirable for attaining its main objects.
- To acquire, lease, mortgage, exchange, redeem, underlet, grant leases, licenses, easements to turn to account or otherwise dispose-off in any manner the whole of the undertaking or any properties (movable or immovable), assets, rights and effects of the Company or any part thereof, on such terms and for such purposes and for such consideration as the Company may think fit.
- To borrow and raise money in such a manner the company may think fit.
- To receive grants, loans, advances or other moneys or deposits or otherwise from individuals, private organizations or any kind of government authority pertaining to the activities of the company.
- To use any kind of media, digital, print electronic or ground, to create content, technologically upgrade and raise awareness of the activities of the company.
- To open, maintain, and operate savings, current, overdraft, loan, credit or deposit accounts with any banks in India.
- To acquire or create subsidiary, partially, or wholly of any brand, company or intellectual property which may be conductive to the objects of the company.
- Any other objective charitable in nature and of public utility as may be defined or interpreted as “charitable” by the income tax Act, 1961 for the time being in force.
- To perform social welfare activities and encourage social welfare in the society by means of technology, print media and other social network tools.